Constitution and Bylaws of Linden Community Church of Virginia


Article I: Name and Location of Church

This body shall be organized as a Church Corporation know as Linden Community Church (hereinafter referred to as the “Church”).

It is a Virginia nonprofit religious organization with its principal office in Linden Virginia.

Article II: Purpose

This Church is organized for exclusively religious purposes (including charitable and eleemosynary purposes common to a pastoral church ministry defined by Scripture).

Article III: Statement of Faith

At the direction of the Elders, the Statement of Faith is supplemented and clarified by (What We Teach), the Elders Statement on Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage and Sexuality”, The Church’s Doctrinal Distinctives issued by the Elders, and other doctrinal statements as my be subsequently issued by the Elders.

Article IV: Affiliations

This Church is autonomous and maintains the right to govern its own affairs, independent of any denominational control.

Article V: Church Covenant


I have surrendered my life to Jesus, placing my faith in Him alone for the forgiveness of my sin, and receiving the right to be called a child of God. I believe in Jesus’ perfect life, substitutionary death, and physical resurrection, and I will live my life in view of his return, and following Him daily.

I am committed to living my life in accordance with God’s will as revealed in the Scriptures. I welcome the protection, care, and direction of my church.


I am committed to living my life in the family of God at Linden Community Church. I will participate regularly in our worship gatherings and intentionally develop deeper relationships for spiritual growth. I will seek to be a source of unity in my church, abstaining from gossip or dissension, and resolving/forgiving conflict as much as it depends on me. Adhere to the Constitution and bylaws of Linden Community Church.


I am committed to serving others and not letting the church be about my preferences and desires. As a part of the body of Christ, I will serve sacrificially and give generously, spending my time, talents, and treasures to build disciples and be a blessing. I will faithfully represent Jesus in my work, my home, and my neighborhood, seizing every opportunity to carry out God’s mission to reach the world, and I will be open to wherever God might send me.

Linden Community Church covenants…

  • ●  To appoint elders according to the Scriptures.
  • ●  To adhere with the constitution and bylaws of Linden Community Church.
  • ●  To prayerfully seek God’s will for our church community.
  • ●  To steward her resources to the best of our ability based on our study ofthe Scriptures and following of the Spirit.
  • ●  To care for its members and seek their growth in grace, truth and love.
  • ●  To provide teaching and counsel from the whole of Scripture, protectingfrom false teachers and teachings.
  • ●  To equip its members for the work of ministry.


(1) Authority over the day-to day leadership decisions of the Church program will be vested in the Session of Elders. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

The ensuring of the doctrinal purity and Scriptural obedience within the Church program. The examination of all Elder and Deacon Candidates. The examination and installation of all teachers. The oversight of all ministries and/or committees. The management of all employees.

(2) Financial responsibilities of the church will be maintained by the Executive Committee. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

Maintaining the proper liability insurance. Keeping an accurate accounting of funds. Overseeing the distribution of funds. Performing an annual audit of funds.

(3) Decisions needing congregational affirmation will be taken before the congregation will be taken in a congregational meeting. These decisions include, but are not limited to:

The affirmation of officers and Executive Committee Members.

Article I: Church Governance

Part 1: Authoritative Structure Section A – Structural Overview

Section B – Church Officers

Holy Scriptures institutes two offices in the church: Elder and Deacon.

(1) The Elders are responsible for the oversight of the overall church program and the ensuring that it is faithful to the Scriptures. These are the overseers of the church.

(2) The Deacons are responsible for ensuring that all ministry needs are met including acts of mercy, service assistance and needs. These are the ministers of the church.

Qualifications and procedure for ordination to these offices are found in Article 1 Part 2 Section E.

Section C – Church Committees

The Elders maintain the authority to establish and abolish committees (with the exception of the Executive Committee) as needed for the fulfilling of the mission of the church.

(1) The Executive Committee is comprised of the representatives of the church corporation. This group is made up of the following members:

Chairman /Trustee Treasurer/ Trustee Vice-Chairman/ Trustee Secretary/ Trustee Assistant Treasurer/ Trustee All Elders

Regarding Trustees: The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Secretary will act as the church trustees which are the legal Agents of the congregation in all business matters, under the direction of the the Elders.

They shall hold title to all property as representatives of the
congregation, handle all business transactions related thereto, and perform such duties as required by the laws of the State of Virginia. They shall be responsible for the safety of all legal documents and contracts and shall maintain a secure repository of such documents.

Regarding Treasures: The Treasurer and / or Assistant Treasurer (hereafter referred to as treasurers) shall prepare and make bank deposits and disburse all such funds according to the authority granted by the Executive Committee. The treasurers shall make reports of the congregation’s financial condition at each regular meeting of the Elder Cabinet.

The treasurers shall maintain adequate financial records and release the records to the Executive Committee upon request for the purpose of the annual audit. The treasurers shall both be an authorized signer of bank drafts against accounts. The treasurers shall be present in tabulating the offerings. If either person is unable to be present for tabulation, the Chairman of the Executive Committee or his designee shall serve.

(2) Standing Committees are those which continue indefinitely, unless dissolved by an act of the Elders (i.e. outreach, fellowship, discipleship, etc.)

(3)Temporary Committee are those which are established for a specific time to perform a specific task, after which they dissolve.

For the sake of prudence, the Elders will ensure the following:

(a) All standing and temporary committees will have a chairman appointed by the Elders.

(b) Standing Committees will be given an allotted annual budget from which to work, determined by the Executive Committee.

Part 2 – Leadership Qualifications

Section A – Elders

The Scriptural qualifications for an Elder are outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1: 5-9. This position will be open to men only, and the man who seeks this office must meet all of the Scriptural requirements. The Elders will examine the candidate, and if he is found to meet the requirements, he will be presented to the congregation for affirmation. If, at any time, an Elder becomes unable to perform his duties, he may resign his post. He may also be removed because of a spiritual lapse, by the action of the elders.

(1)Vocational Elders are those men who, in response to God’s call, have devoted their vocational lives to the ministry of the Word in the service of the church. These Elders are known as:
(a) Senior Pastor
(b)Associate Pastor(s)

(2) Lay Elders are those men who have not been called to vocational ministry, but nevertheless have been called by God to serve in the role of shepherd.

(3) Number of Elders

The goal of the church is to maintain a plurality of at least 3 elders. If unforeseen circumstances cause the number of Elders to decrease to only one, the remaining Elder retains his powers and will appoint other qualified men to serve as Elder after an appropriate period of discipleship in the spiritual aspects of eldership. Under no circumstances will a biblically unqualified man be appointed.

(4) Nomination, Selection, and Tenure of Office

Elders in Linden Community Church are appointed for life. Their tenure in the office of Elder ends either at death, transfer of membership to another church, resignation, or disqualification. Selection of Elders is determined solely by the Board of Elders as they take into consideration the input of the

whole congregation and weigh the man’s qualifications against the Biblical criteria.

Additionally, no man shall be appointed as an elder before a period of congregational input and feedback, of not less than 6 months. The period of congregational input shall commence immediately on an elder announcing from the pulpit of a man’s candidacy.

No man shall be appointed as an elder without being subject to a public examination of his doctrine. This examination will take place on a Sunday in the Sunday school. All Sunday school classes and other activities in that hour will be canceled on that Sunday. The pending examination will be included in the Sunday morning announcements for at least 2 consecutive weeks prior to the examination.

(5) Resignation

Any Elder may resign effective upon giving written notice to the Elder Board, unless the notice specifies a later time for the effectiveness of such resignation.

(6) Removal of Elders

Any Elder may be removed from office at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Elders if he is found to be physically or mentally incapacitated or spiritually unqualified (according to pertinent Scripture, including 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9) after a thorough corroboration investigation by the Elders.

If an Elder is removed because of sin that is deemed sufficient to disqualify him from shepherding, and if he refuses to repent from that sin, the removal shall be accompanied by a public rebuke, and notice shall be made before the church and the congregation thereof as prescribed in 1 Timothy 5:20.

(7) Place of Meetings

Any meeting (whether regular, special, or adjourned) of the Board of Elders of The Church may be held at any place within or without the State of Virginia by mutual agreement of the elders. This may include virtual meetings.

(8) Quorum
A quorum shall consist of 3⁄4 of the Elders.

(9) Decisions of the Board of Elders

Decisions shall be reached after prayerful consideration by unanimous ascent of a quorum of Elders in a spirit of humility, with each Elder regarding one another before himself. In the case of the removal of a disqualified Elder, the Elder under question shall have no vote. In matters pertaining to the compensation of vocational Elders, the Elder whose compensation is being considered shall recuse himself from all discussions.

Section B – Deacons

The Deacons shall consist of church members possessing the qualifications described in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and shall be nominated every two years by members of the church. The Board of Elders will compile, review and, at its sole discretion, confirm or disapprove each of the nomination. The Deacons shall serve a term of two (2) years. The Deacons shall assist the Elders in the shepherding of the saints, assist the Pastor at Communion and baptismal services, aid in the general spiritual care of the church, and perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Elders.

A Deacon shall be a man of dignity, not double-tongued, not addicted too much wine, not found of sordid gain, holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience, first tested and found above reproach.

Section C – Deaconesses

The Deaconesses shall consist of church members possessing the qualifications described in 1 Timothy 3:11 and Titus 2:3-5 and shall be nominated every two years by members of the church. The Board of Elders will compile, review and, at its sole discretion, confirm or disapprove each of the nominations. The Deaconesses shall serve a term of two (2) years. They shall prepare the Communion elements, assist the Pastor at baptismal services and in the general spiritual care of the church, and shall assist in the care of the sick and needy. A Deaconess shall be dignified, not a malicious gossip, temperate, and faithful in all things.

Section D – Executive Committee Members

To serve on the Executive Committee, a person must be in good standing for a period of at least one (1) year. This person must be of good reputation within the church and fit the description of being “above reproach.”

The Elders will examine and nominate candidates for this committee, and these candidates will be presented to the congregation for affirmation at an annual meeting.

Section E – Ordination

Ordination refers to the unanimous recognition by the Board of Elders of a man’s call to the ministry, preparation as a shepherd, qualification to serve. Ordination shall be conferred for life, so long as the man continues to manifest the qualifications of the office.

Part 3 – Meeting Procedures
Section A – Congregational Meetings

Meetings can be called by the following: (1) Elders
(2)The Executive Committee

All meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section B – The Session of Elders

The Elders will meet at least once every two (2) months in a closed session. In decisions affecting the oversight of the church, the Elders will speak with one voice. In the event of an individual Elder’s position being called into question, the remaining Elders will speak with one voice.

Section C – The Elder Cabinet

The cabinet will be made up of all Executive Committee members, standing and temporary committee chairmen. This cabinet will meet with the elders at least once every two (2) months in an open meeting to make decisions regarding the program of the church. The chairman of the Elders or his designee will moderate the meeting. All financial request will be approved or denied by the Executive Committee. All programming requests and changes will be approved or denied by the Elders. The secretary of the Executive Committee will maintain a record of attendance and will keep the minutes of all cabinet meetings. The minutes will be filed in the church office.

Section D – Other Meetings

After an initial organizational meeting within the first quarter of the calendar year, all standing committees will meet individually according to a schedule of their own choosing as needed. After being appointed, temporary committees will meet individually according to a schedule of their own choosing as needed.

Article II: The Pastor

Section A- Selection

The Pastor shall be selected by the Board of Elders, appointed to the position of Pastor, and also considered to be a member of the Board of Elders. He shall remain in office an indefinite period of time subject to the following reservations: The Elders reserve the right to dismiss the Pastor upon giving him three months’ written notice of its intention to dismiss. Three months’ notice shall not be required in cases of biblical disqualification (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9). The Pastor must give one months’ notice if he intends to resign. The time limit of a Pastor’s resignation or dismissal is subject to a lesser time if both the Pastor-Teacher and the Board by mutual agreement provide otherwise.

Section B- Duties

The Pastor shall be responsible to the Board of Elders. The Pastor shall arrange for all public and regular services of the Church and shall be responsible for general oversight of the spiritual welfare of the Church. In the absence of the Pastor, the Board of Elders shall be responsible to arrange for the public and regular services of the Church.

Section C- Qualifications

The Pastor, being a member of the Board of Elders, is subject to the same qualifications as the Board of Elders as described in Article I, Part 2, Section A, of these Bylaws.

Article III: Church Membership
Section A- Purpose and Definition of the Fellowship

The Church is a gathering congregation of Christian believers who have applied for membership and have been duly accepted and shall constitute a spiritual body, united for the spiritual purposes set forth, to the glory of God.

Section B- Active Membership

Active membership in Linden Community Church shall be open to all persons who confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, who have been baptized, have signed a membership covenant, and have been interviewed by the Elders.

Section C- Voting Privileges

Membership in this Church conveys no voting rights or privileges. The Elder Cabinet of Linden Community Church may submit a matter to the membership for a vote of affirmation. These votes are a mechanism for providing feedback to the elders, and in no way should be construed or understood as a binding plebiscite.

Section D- Applications for Membership

All requests for membership shall be made to an Elder and accompanied by a completed membership application. Upon receipt of a membership application, an interview with a delegation of elders will be scheduled. The purpose of the interview is to assess the applicant’s profession of faith and subscription of the “The Basic Doctrines of the Christian Faith” document attached to the membership application.

Section E – Denial of Membership

If, upon review of an application for membership or after meeting with a prospective member, the Board of Elders determines that the applicant does not confess Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Savior, or that they do not subscribe to “The Basic Doctrines of the Christian Faith” document attached to the membership application, or any of Linden Community Church distinctives, membership shall be denied. The decision made by the Board shall be final and there shall be no appeal to any court from that decision. Re-application will be considered if the aforementioned reasons for denial have been resolved.

Section F – Admission of Applicants

Applicants admitted to membership shall, if possible, present themselves at a worship service designated by the Board of Elder, at which service such applicants shall publicly affirm their membership commitment and be publicly acknowledge as members of Linden Community Church.

Section G – Responsibilities of Members

Members shall seek to exercise their spiritual gifts for the mutual benefit of all the Church body and shall submit to the loving rule of the Elders.

Section I-Church Discipline

  1. (1)  The purpose of church discipline is to glorify God by maintaining purity in the local church (1 Corinthians 5:6). The goal of the church discipline process is to restore a sinning member to full fellowship with the church. It is never to punish or to excommunicate. Any such action will be taken reluctantly. The church discipline process is in no way a punitive process.
  2. (2)  Members of this church who err in doctrine, or who engage in conduct that violates Scripture as determined by the Board of Elders, shall be subject to the church discipline process, the end of which may be dismissal from church membership and exclusion from fellowship.
  3. (3)  The church discipline process will be conducted in accordance with Scriptural dictates. Passages of scripture that speak to this process include, but are not limited to, Matthew 18:15-18, 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, and Titus 3:10.
  1. (4)  The members of Linden Community Church, and all others who regularly attend or fellowship with this Church, agree that there shall be no appeal to any court because of dismissal or because of public statements to the congregation. Members who are under discipline by the Church, as defined in the previous paragraphs, forfeit and waive the right to resign from this Church. Resignation from membership is possible only by members who are in good standing and who are not under any disciplinary action.
  2. (5)  Separate and apart from the process of church discipline, but subject to the discretion of the Elders, a member, non- member regular attendee, or any other individual may be notified that he or she is not to be present upon Church premises for such a period of time as is deemed necessary for the safety and well-being of others on Church premises. Such required absence may, but need not, be concurrent with church discipline of that person.
  3. (6)  Separate and apart from the process of church discipline, but subject to the discretion and approval of the Elders, the names of any members who have consistent non-attendance may be removed from the membership rolls.

Article IV: Settlement of Disputes

In any dispute arising between Church members, Elders, or staff pertaining to any matter of spiritual teaching or practices, Church finances, or title to property purchased with Church contributions, the dispute shall be resolved by the Board of Elders and if necessary the Executive Committee of the Church. A decision shall be reached after prayerful consideration, in a spirit of humility, with each Elder regarding one another before himself and striving to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:1-3).

Article V: Corporate Dissolution

In the event the church corporation dissolves, all property will be liquidated and the funds will be donated to a recognized non-profit organization(s).The Executive Committee will decide upon and oversee the dispersing of the assets.