About Linden

We at Linden Community Church extend the hand of friendship and a heartfelt welcome to all.  Dress as you choose for comfort.  More important than what is on us is what is in us.  We acknowledge we are all a work in progress as together we celebrate, help each other grow in our understanding of Christ, and share the love He has for all of us. “We all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God.”  Eph. 4:11-13.  

Linden Community Church, Linden, VA, was established in 1849 on the border of Warren County and Fauquier County. In its long history, the Linden church has experienced both hardships and triumphs. We give God the glory for sustaining and blessing our church family through the years. We remain grateful for the dedicated Christians of the Linden community who came before us.

During a crucial time in our nation’s history, the issue over slavery and states rights caused division between states, communities and also within the Church. In spite of the tumultuous time, the Linden church began.

The housing for ministers who served the Linden church was acquired in 1895. The church purchased a house owned by W.A. and Patti Hoffman for $200. The parsonage, which still serves the church today, has received many updates and repairs. One of the earliest updates was the addition of electricity and indoor plumbing.

In November 1954, tragedy struck the Linden church. A fire thought to be the caused by a faulty pipe in the wood burning stove, destroyed the beautiful 62 year old wooden structure. Its towering steeple and bell had long been an iconic landmark in the community.

The Front Royal Fire Department courageously fought the blaze for four hours before it was squelched. Several heroic men in the Linden community, including Rev. B. L. Lock, entered the burning building to salvage the church’s antique pulpit, pews and Bible. All were relics from a church building that had previously served the congregation.

The fire revealed several graves beneath the church’s stone foundation making it very difficult to rebuild at the same site. Therefore, the congregation decided to relocate the Linden church next to the parsonage, on the opposite side of Highway 55. In December 1955, the ground breaking ceremony for the new Linden church at its current location took place. When completed, the new church was furnished with the pulpit and pews that had been rescued from the flames. A series of stained glass windows, some unique in design, grace the lovely brick building.

Linden Community Church remains a loving supportive church family, actively serving Christ in traditional worship, mission, ministry, outreach, and witness in our community. Our future is strong as we continue to make disciples for Jesus Christ, growing in membership and spirituality. Our vision and desire as a church is to be God’s light in the world.