
Hands on, up close and personal mission projects:

  • Congregational Community Action Project (C-CAP)
    Linden collects items for this very worthwhile food pantry and clothing outlet that serves the needy in our local community. Canned items are delivered at least monthly.
  • Individualized assistance on a case by case basis
    Administered through the pastor’s discretionary fund and in cooperation with other churches and charitable organizations in the greater Front Royal area.
  • Operation Christmas Child
    Shoe boxes packed with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and other goodies are distributed world wide by Samaritan’s Purse.
  • Warren County Senior Center
    Linden collects canned food and fresh vegetable donations to supplement Meals on Wheels and lunch served at the center to the elderly who attend the daily programs.
  • Adopt a family Christmas program
    Each Christmas season our churches select a family in need and fulfill their Christmas wish list. The gifts are wrapped and delivered just in time for Christmas.
  • JAIL MINISTRY – serving inmates at RSW Regional Jail in Front Royal.  Every Monday, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.  A project of the Men’s Fellowship Group.

Generous financial support delivered throughout the year through Special Offerings

  • Saint Luke Community Clinic, Front Royal, VA
    A free community clinic for county residents who lack health insurance.
  • House of Hope
    The Front Royal Warren County Shelter for homeless men that provides support services.
  • Phoenix Project
    Emergency services for women and children in Front Royal and Warren County.
  • Hope and Rest Temporary Shelter (Formerly Thermal Shelter of Front Royal)
    A low barrier shelter serving men and women over the age of 18 in Front Royal, VA.
  • Hope for Appalachia
  • All God’s Children Camp ( sponsoring a child)
    Providing summer camp for children of an incarcerated parent.